Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Taking a cue from Saroja...

a haiku, in lieu of a comprehensive update!

morning in the morgue
avoiding thoughts of pain, death
hiding from disease

(I have a funny relationship with anatomy and anatomy specimens. I find that I'm fine if I focus on the organ... what is this thing, where is it's location, what does it do. Mostly, I'm fine, I can separate myself. As soon as I think: 'what did this pathology do to this person,' I'm done. I need to sit, gather my thoughts and breathe... hard to do in a poorly ventilated, tiny room surrounded by formalin odors. I'm getting better though, it's a good place to learn how to remove myself from my emotions. I still have a long way to go.)


Roz said...

wow, i don't know how you do it...

Sharon said...

Boy am I glad you're there and I'm here. I would not like to spend my time in the morgue, not even in the name of an MD. Good for you. I'm going to continue to spend as many mornings as possible in the nursery, it smells nice in there. Mostly.